Church Walk Surgery

Drury Street, Metheringham, Lincoln, LN4 3EZ

Telephone: 01526 320522

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Support for Unpaid Carers

You may be a Carer

… if you provide help and support to a partner, relative, child, friend or neighbour who could not manage without your help due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction. There are thousands of unpaid carers in Lincolnshire.

Anyone can become a carer – children, parents, daughters, sons, spouses, partners and friends. Many people don’t think of themselves as carers; they just look after someone close to them. Caring often just happens to you, as you find that someone close to you gradually needs more help.


Support for you

Becoming a carer can feel isolating and it’s often a struggle to get the information you need.

When you are looking after someone, it’s important to have some help for yourself, such as a break from caring.

Carers Support Centre, is a local organisation that can provide you with information and advice on any aspect of caring and services that might be useful such as the Carers Emergency Card. Carers_Emergency_Card_Form
They can also help with a carers assessment.

They can put you in touch with other organisation that offer specialist support, for example about dementia, mental health problems or recovering from a stroke.

They can also advise on any financial help you or the person you look after may be entitled to. There are also carers groups that meet regularly to share practical ideas and friendship.

Call LCC Carers service on 01522 782224

Your Own Health

As a carer, it is important that you look after your own health as it’s easy not to look after yourself when you are looking after someone else.

Here are Church Walk Surgery, we want to be able to do all we can to help you to stay as fit and health as possible.

We will do our best to help you look after yourself as well as the person you care for, we offer:

  • Register of carers – Please register yourself as a carer at reception or you can discuss with your GP.
  • Monthly clinics with Heidi Bray from Carers First who can offer more help and support. Appointments to see Heidi can be made by contacting the Practice
  • A Carers information pack that can be collected from reception
  • Flu Vaccinations to Carers each Autumn
  • Aged 40 – 74? Find out about our FREE NHS Health check. Can help you to reduce risks and make sure that you stay healthy.

Getting help and connected

Getting help and connected is the first step to information and support that will help you in your role.

This questionnaire and action plan for all carers helps you to look at your needs, how caring affects you and provides information on support available to carers.

Please contact LCC Carers service to request a carers assessment questionnaire and help getting connected.

Call LCC Carers service on 01522 782224


Did you know?

Did you know that if you are an unpaid Carer and the person you care for is admitted into hospital (Pilgrim, Lincoln or Grantham), you can pop into the PALS office who will take some details from you and issue you with a carers badge and lanyard. This will allow you to be clearly seen on the ward as a Carer and enable you free access during the day and not be restricted by visiting times.






Key Contacts


LCC Carers Service (SERCO) – 01522 782224

Email –

Website –


Lincolnshire Young Carers – 01522 553275

Email –

Website –


Carers First – 0300 303 1555

Email –

Website –


Every-One – 01522 811582

Email –

Website –

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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